Tesla bot on its way to our homes accompanied with Xiaomi's cyberdog

     Artificial intelligence is one of the rapid developing sector in this globalised world. Many firms have started to adapt Technologies related to artificial intelligence in order to make their production or project more efficient and to get the best possible outcome. One such leading firm influenced by AI is the Tesla Motors ltd., well know for its electric cars. Being the CEO of Tesla and SpaceX, Elon Musk was deeply inspired by AI much before its familiarity and made it an important component in either of his Tesla and SpaceX projects, which had now made him an inspiration for many and had indirectly played an prominent role in making AI popular. So here one such initiation by Elon musk is the TESLA BOT. Lets have a look about this here and even you will get know about the cyber dog by Xiaomi in the later of this article.

Tesla bot

Image credits:Tesla


         Followed by the partial failure of the cyber truck, Tesla has developed a prototype humanoid robot and unveiled it on Tesla AI inaugural day  which would cost about $4000. Named as TESLA BOT, it has some of the following features..

·        Despite having the auto pilot system,  tesla bot would still enhance the self driving experience with a better quality.

·        It is provided with a complete auto driving system and with 8 autopilot cameras.

·        Apart from its features delivered to control the Tesla car, it is also programmed like other homely robots so far invented, these bots also acts as an assistant in our daily  household chores.

·        It can even come with us for shopping and is capable of doing other similar tasks0

·        It has also been developed having a capacity of doing tasks which we find difficult.

·        It even replicates human activity like walking and observe us to  learn more from what we do.

·        Once during the inaugural day Elon stated that these bot are designed with an intent to perform “ boring, unsafe and repetitive tasks".   

Tesla bot

Image credits:Tesla

    Included with these features, Tesla bots will get manufactured weighing 57kg (125 lbs). It has a lean human framework with a full lightweight material (not specified). It can manage to run with 5mph (8km/h) which clearly means that it can’t cope with the human’s average speed. It has a height of 1.72 metres(5’8”) and it can even make up to 150lbs(68kg) deadlift accumulating all its energy extended with it's arms come up with 10lbs.

AI for general robotics

Image credits:Tesla

      This aspiring prototype humanoid bot is anticipated to get launched on the forthcoming year( i.e. by 2022). Even though having these considerable features this bot cannot be concluded as an revolution in the stage of advance robotics as these days scientists have started developing AGI( Artificial General Intelligence) which would have far better features than our expectation.


      For the most recent a US firm namely Boston Dynamics created robotic quadruple with integrated AI system methodology. This was named as spot, and it was mainly used to explore or survey places on land where the humans could not go. It was utilized in numerous useful ways. Spot helped scientists to make a survey in remote parts of the mine or somewhere in land, it even helped in the take care of patients in hospitals without human contact, surprisingly it was even used in military not for war but helped them in carrying weapons and acted as an carrier.

Image credits:Xiaomi

       But the cyber dog is something different from spot. During the press meet it was said that it has a ‘pet like nature'  means that it is equipped with some notable characteristics of a real dog included with touch sensors, GPS system, ultra wide fisheye lens, Intel RealSence D450 cameras, 6 microphone array powered with Nvidia’s Jetson Xavier. It even stimulates to our commands as it has the capability to respond our voice commands.

Image credits:Xiaomi

        On the conference meet, Xiaomi promised to manufacture 1000 units of cyberdog for about $1540 each and these special units will be sold for the mi fans, AI engineers and robotics enthusiasts such they could promote its features to the rest and make it famous. This quadruple comes with three USB ports and one HDMI port and is also inserted with lidar sensors, panoramic cameras. Coupled with this it even looks over the obstacles in front of it and tries its best to avoid with it. Face recognition outstrips all other features. This cyber dog can be accessed via an app and soon Xiaomi would herald more info about it in the later stages. This app is just a way to communicate with the quadruple, apart from that cyber dog can go through with its daily task without human interference. It can accelerate itself upto 3.2m/s and even, as it has enough nimble said by Xiaomi it can make backflips. Finally it has a 3kg of payload and has 128 SSD storage. Cyberdog pretends to be real dog and satisfies most of the expectation but to be honest neither the cyberdog nor the spot cannot be a real loving pet dog.

                     Outlook of the cyberdog 


          Anyhow from all the above we can conclude, as these days AI has been developing far better than any, as many firms and manufacturers turned their head towards AI not only just because of its popularity but its eminent position in this technical world. A survey by MicKensy global institute made a report that the investments of AI in global rank grew from 26 billion to 39 billion on 2016, illustrates its success.

       Hope you had enjoyed my article. Let me know your opinion in the comment section.

                       Have a great day..

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  1. this sounds so COOL buddy.Glad to see the progress of creating articles in you dude :)

    1. Thanks a ton for your encouragement buddy.😊☺

  2. Your doing a wonderful work keep on going 💝💝👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻

    1. Yep sure, with all your encouragement i can achieve this. Anyhow thanks for reading my article..😊

  3. Came from zoom pfp
    Very convenient
    Learnt something new
    Thanks !

  4. A robot dog accompanying a robot human... looks cool. ik that this reply is late, but i am being frank, havent read it until now😅😅😅😅😁😁😁😁

  5. Imagine... someone ringing bell during a halloween day and this bot and cyberdog with no face opens the door.... poor guy will get freaked out
