'Artifical intelligence' the future world




          Even from the stone age to the modern period humans always used to invent or Discover something. The life of the stone age people could have really difficult to live because they don't even know what happens each and every second. For them the danger ranges from animals to food, shelter, security etc.., but now we are able to live a happy and safe life because of the hard work of our ancestors who discovered many things which lead the next generation people to enjoy. Even still people all over the world tries to discover something new which can even more comforts our life. And now in this article we are gonna explore one such invention, which is the AI.

Artificial intelligence

What is artificial intelligence AI:

          It is a sort of computer science in which we make intelligent machine artificially so that they think, behave and take decisions like human. The first Artificial Intelligence program was created by Herbert Simon and Allen Newell, in the year 1955 which was named as Logic theorist. Some examples are self driving car, Alex’s, Google assistant , smart cities, smart homes etc.

        As this topic (AI) is such a huge one so that we can’t cover everything in a single article, so that, in this article we gonna have a detailed look at a single topic in AI which is about the smart cities, smart homes and robots.

What are smart cities and smart homes:


            It is a home automation where people can control the house temperature, switching the lights,  remote monitoring of most of the appliances and even can see people who rings our door bell outside, etc. The interesting thing is we can just control all these by sitting at the same place itself if you have a tablet or phone connected to internet all round the house. Some more examples of Smart homes are caring of pets, watering plants at the time we set.

Smart home


            It means the urbanisation of cites to which they use to collect information from various types of electronic methods and censor to collect data. With this they used to monitor the whole city, they have crime detecting system, managing traffic lights, power plants etc.. It is really astonishing to say that similar like the smart homes, the smart cities are also connected to internet. It is such a huge system which is unimaginable.

Pros of smart homes and cities:

           Living in smart homes gives us an extraodinary luxurious feel than ever what you felt. As in smart homes everything is automated so that it will get to know everything About you and will act relate to that. For example, it notices when you sleep, in what temperature you would be comfortable, when you eat etc.. so when it notices all these things, then it starts helping you in different ways. It even helps you in cleaning of the house, entertaining you as well it even assist you in preservation of resources.

                When it comes to smart cities really it had been a great solution  for traffic jams, reduces parking time, controls crime activities, reduces queues in municipal offices, provides  the fastest delivery system, used in hospitals for delicate operations, maintaining of the public  places etc.

Cons of smart homes and smart cities:

            Despite having luxurious feeling it needs a lot of plastic material and rare metals for making it. Even it is more expensive, which keeps middle class people away from that and creates inequality in the world. Destroys human feelings because when a person is always with an robot means he might even forgot how to speak with other people which makes him arrogant and feeling less. The another main reason is, it makes us lazy so that slowly people start  becoming sick which reduces an average human life expectancy. Even a small mistake in the system can lead to the collapse of the whole house and it cost more to restore than we expect. It also risks our privacy.

               As the smart cities needs the best infrastructure than the technology which we have ever discovered so that it takes a huge time to construct it. It needs the best sort of internet connection 24/7 which leads enormous internet consumption and makes it difficult to maintain. The dearth of privacy safety creates a pathway for cyberattacks that greatly concerns the city security. The smart cities gives us everything but it takes away our humanity.

Smart cities

Sustainable development goals:

         Whatever we do everything requires a set of rules of regulations. As artificial intelligence enables us to access a better technology which gives us better infrastructure but at same time it leads in inequality between countries. So that a set of protocols are adequate to end poverty, to protect our planet and to ensure peace, happiness, prosperity etc. These goals were created by United Nations in 2015 and most probably it wold be amended by 2030. The set of 17 rules are based on zero hunger, equality between people, to build better infrastructure, industrial growth, economic development, to provide fair education to all and dispense clean water and proper sanitation.

Image credits: google

         Robots are machine programmed by a computer that resembles like humans and replicate human activities and functions automatically. These robots are also a sort of AI which are useful in many ways. They are really useful in manufacturing of products and reduces the time consumption, they can even be used in our houses For our daily customary toils And reduces burden. We can also find some sophisticated robots which are specially manufactured for military purposes. Apart from these things the robots are mainly named for their accuracy, time saving, and they can work 24/7. These droid also makes us to experience the most fastest delivery system. But at the same time it’s huge drawback is, when it comes to densely populated countries like India, China it creates millions and billions of unemployment which makes the country move to poverty line. Similar like the smart homes and smart cities it is really expensive to install and maintaining it is even more expensive than installing it. And the main basic disadvantage is, it all lack emotions. As most of the work is done by robots, it makes people over rely on it and We may even loose our own capabilities.

            If you guys are really happy with this article please like, comment and follow. This would really encourage me for my future upcoming articles. Hope we meet soon in our next articles.

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  1. Great article man ,keep doing it one day this site will become world famous. All the best for your future articles

  2. Great job kaarthik, it's very informative & easy to understand the concept. All the best for ur upcoming blogs 🔥🔥

  3. nice da i love the article i just read. noice

  4. i want to convey that, in the topic cons of the smart homes and smart cities thre is a small edit you could do to enhance it. Instead of telling that you will forget speaking skills and focusing on creating inequality, you must have focused moreon the sickness and arrogant feel and you must have put focus on privacy, i.e, how will it impact privacy. Just thought i could tell you. BTW smooth article man

  5. At the end of the cons of smart cities, you could add this line of you want.' It gives us what we need at the cost of what we have'. It would be an awesome punch line to your article wow

    1. Thanks bro. Sure will include all those things.

    2. Believe it or not, i know you wouldn’t
      But, i actually took a lot of points for me AI exam lol, it included all the topics discussed in class, very great and you made me get 22/25 thx 88% noice
